2024/05/17 admin
2019年12月,Shen’s lab在Toxicology在线发表了题为“D-Glucuronolactone attenuates para-xylene-induced defects in neuronal development and plasticity in Xenopus tectum in vivo”研究论文,阐述了葡醛内酯可以降低对二甲苯对中枢神经系统毒性的新作用。对二甲苯(
神经元是神经系统的基本结构和机能单位。大脑由上百亿个神经元组成,堪称人类最复杂的器官。大脑皮质(即大脑表层)主要由两类神经细胞构成,一类是兴奋性神经细胞,一类是抑制性神经细胞。大脑内的兴奋性神经递质主要是谷氨酸,而抑制性神经递质主要是γ-氨基丁酸。兴奋性和抑制性的动态平衡(E/I balance)是大脑正常功能和可塑性形成和维持的重要基础,如果这个平衡被打破则会诱发癫痫、帕金森、抑郁症等多种神经疾
The Internet continues to grow and develop, has become the preferred way to businesses and individuals seeking business opportunities
2018/07/08 admin
He, H. Y., W. Shen, M. Hiramoto and H. T. Cline (2016). "Experience-Dependent Bimodal Plasticity of Inhibitory Neurons in Early Development." Neuron 90(6): 1203-1214.Inhibitory neurons are h
2020/12/14 admin
The Internet continues to grow and develop, has become the preferred way to businesses and individuals seeking business opportunities
2020/12/14 admin
Gao, J., H. Ruan, X. Qi, Y. Tao, X. Guo and W. Shen (2016). "HDAC3 But not HDAC2 Mediates Visual Experience-Dependent Radial Glia Proliferation in the Developing Xenopus Tectum." Front Cell
2020/12/14 admin
Gao, J., H. Ruan, X. Qi, X. Guo, J. Zheng, C. Liu, Y. Fang, M. Huang, M. Xu and W. Shen (2016). "Increased apoptosis and abnormal visual behavior by histone modifications with exposure to para-xy
2020/12/14 admin